Earwig exterminator pest control Boise, Idaho
Earwig Exterminator Boise, ID

Earwig Exterminator Boise, Idaho

Eco Pest Control provides the elimination of Earwiges and all Mice & Rats in the Boise, Idaho area

Earwig control Boise, Idaho

Complete Elimination Of Earwigs

cause damage to your garden.

Stop Earwigs In Their Tracks

Earwigs - long, narrow nocturnal feeders that can be found in dark, damp environments - have no place being in your home. With more than 20 species in the United States and 1,000 throughout the world, earwigs are seemingly everywhere. They are aptly named for the old myth about crawling into people's ears and tunneling through their brains with sharp pincers. We are here to debunk this tale, but this doesn't mean earwigs aren't nuisance pests and don't cause damage to your garden. They do!

Earwigs and Your Garden

Earwigs prey on aphids, which is a good thing in one respect if you have a garden. However, in the process, they destroy plants very quickly, damaging seedlings, flower petals, soft fruits, and corn silks. So, they provide one benefit but detract from that benefit all at once. Earwigs hide in small, moist areas during the day and at night, then they come out to feed on insects and plants.

Controlling earwig infestation will ensure you have a successful harvest this year. Do what you can to reduce earwigs by removing leaf piles, compost piles or other vegetation from around your home, and sealing up cracks and crevices in the walls of your house.

Call Earwig Experts

Eco Pest Control can help you control the earwig population in your yard, whether you're a home owner or nursery/garden owner. Call us at 208-600-8734 for your free quote and inspection. We can eradicate your earwig problem quickly and safely to minimize damage to your surrounding crops.

Best Earwig Treatment Boise, Idaho:

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Service Area

Boise, Idaho and surrounding area

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Eco Pest Control Boise, ID
Eco Pest Control
11650 Fairview Ave
Boise, Idaho 83713

Boise Best Exterminators

Eco Pest Control is the trusted pest control expert in Boise, ID and all surrounding areas. We're a small, locally owned company that offers both residential and commercial pest exterminator and pest prevention service. Specializing in the treatment of indoor and outdoor pests, we are trained and certified exterminators who offer free estimates and inspections.

Trained and certified exterminators in Idaho

Eco Pest Control's professional exterminators are trained, knowledgeable and experienced in a wide variety of pest control methods and products. Rest assured, when you call us, you get us. Period. No waiting around like you would with the big companies.
Ants, black widows, wasps, hornets, rodents, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, ticks, boxelders, crickets and more.

Eco Pest Control provides services in the Boise ID area, including Nampa, Caldwell, Meridian, Eagle, Kuna, Mountain Home and surrounding areas.

Eco Pest Control Offers Eco-Friendly products for your family, pets and environment

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Managed by Tactical-Moves Inc